Ohr Hashalom Institutions
Ohr Hashalom was established based on Jewish Education both religious and secular for the love for the land and government of Israel. Our record through the years shows that.

In 1989, the institutions decided to open an elementary school and high school. The students range from 6–13 years old (elementary school) and 14-17 years old (high school). Students are given both a Jewish and secular education. Today, there are two-hundred and fifty (250) students currently enrolled.

They are now eligible to serve as Rabbis and many now hold rabbinical offices in Israel, the Israeli Defense Forces and in the diaspora. Graduating rabbis have been trained to specialize in certain areas of the Jewish Laws, including Dayanim, Shechita, Issur Ve’heter, etc.

Moshe Bar-Shalom
I determined to realize my dream as a carpenter and I become a successful and thrived by the merit of our honesty and straight dealings with people.


With gracious and charitable contributions, we are able to provide students ranging from three years old to thirty years old with a first-class education. These donors can be the difference in the life of a student who could otherwise not afford to pay his tuition. In addition, two buildings were constructed with the following characteristics:
First building was built in 1991, located at 7 Moshe Hagaic, Jerusalem, five stories, kitchen, dining, +/- 100 bedrooms and a place for Kollel.
Second building was built in 2016, located at 33 Issa Berach, Jerusalem, 6 stories, beit midrash, 24 classrooms, courtyard, playground, rooftop, places for celebration. Kindergarten and schools and Yeshiva students are in this building.