
About Mola Ohr Shraga

During the thousand-year history of the Jewish people, prominent rabbis emerge within Jewish communities at various times. These scholars, considered the authorities on rabbinic Literature ranging from Torah, Mishnah and Kabbalah, were able to keep the Jewish religion flourish and alive.

About 300 years ago, one scholar in particular, Mola Gias, moved from Mashad to Yazd. One of his descendants, Mola Ohr Shraga, emerged as a highly respected and praised scholar and Kabbalist, believed to be a descendant of King David.

His wisdom and humbleness were so remarkable that even the Muslims in Yazd, including its ruler, were also very respectful of him. In addition, spreading the knowledge of Jewish Literature was Ohr Shraga’s life purpose. In addition, he sent his children to different cities in Iran as scholars and teachers.

Mola Ohr Shraga founded a Yeshiva for the first time for rich and poor alike. When doing so, he asked the affluent members of the community to contribute to a scholarship for those who could not afford their tuition. The Yeshiva structure still exists.

The Legend of Mola Ohr Shraga extends far beyond his educational merits. His mystical influence remains long after his passing on the 28th Marcheshvan 5553 (November 13th 1792). Many believe he watches over them even after his departure from this world.

His legacy is extended into our time by one of his eight descendants, Moshe Barshalom, who founded an institution in Jerusalem called Ohr Hashalom in memory of Mola Ohr Shraga. Ohr Hashalom remains to this day a very successful Yeshiva, Kollel, kindergarten and a place of communal learning.

In memory of our Mola Ohr Shraga, Jewish communities all over the world commemorate his Yartzite. In Israel, a grand memorial ceremony is organized by Ohr Hashalom Yeshiva, called “Hillulah”. In Iran, thousands of followers from different cities travel to visit his resting place in Yazd. This commemoration is also annually done in Los Angeles, New York, and anywhere there are Jewish communities.

Ohr Hashalom

The Barshalom family belongs to the eighth generation of the descendants of Morenu Mola Ohr Sharga ztz”l (Yazdi), may his merits stand us in good stead.

After considerable efforts were invested in laying the spiritual and organizational foundations and raising preliminary resources, the Kollel under the name of Ohr HaShalom opened its doors on Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5739 (1979) to two (2) students, and classes were conducted in the family synagogue.

Moshe Bar-Shalom

Founder / Director

My name is Moshe Bar-Shalom and I was born in Yazd, Iran.

My family made Aliyah to Israel in 1962, and we first settled in Kfar G’virol, near Rehovoth. My parents always had a longing to live in Jerusalem and eventually their wish was fulfilled when in 1965 my father purchased a two-story building in Jerusalem.

At the age of 18 I was conscripted into the Army, and on discharge I determined to realize my dream as a carpenter and I become a successful and thrived by the merit of our honesty and straight dealings with people.

During Sukkot of the New Year 5739 (1979) I approached my father and told him that I wished to initiate a project in the honor of Mola Ohr Shraga. My father stood upright and said: “I will be the first to donate a sum of money towards this worthy cause!” This gave me the motivation to put my plan into action.

I opened a special bank account to deposit my father’s donation and all our ma’aser monies. A large portion of the expenses was covered from the ma’aser monies from the profits of the carpentry workshop.

Once Ohr Hashalom started to expand, I realized that I had to devote all my efforts to ensuring its success. Therefore, I quit my job as a carpenter and dedicated my life fully to Ohr Hashalom.