Moshe Bar-Shalom

Founder / Director

My name is Moshe Bar-Shalom and I was born in Yazd, Iran.

My family made Aliyah to Israel in 1962, and we first settled in Kfar G’virol, near Rehovoth. My parents always had a longing to live in Jerusalem and eventually their wish was fulfilled when in 1965 my father purchased a two-story building in Jerusalem.

At the age of 18 I was conscripted into the Army, and on discharge I determined to realize my dream as a carpenter and I become a successful and thrived by the merit of our honesty and straight dealings with people.

During Sukkot of the New Year 5739 (1979) I approached my father and told him that I wished to initiate a project in the honor of Mola Ohr Shraga. My father stood upright and said: “I will be the first to donate a sum of money towards this worthy cause!” This gave me the motivation to put my plan into action.

I opened a special bank account to deposit my father’s donation and all our ma’aser monies. A large portion of the expenses was covered from the ma’aser monies from the profits of the carpentry workshop.

Once Ohr Hashalom started to expand, I realized that I had to devote all my efforts to ensuring its success. Therefore, I quit my job as a carpenter and dedicated my life fully to Ohr Hashalom.